putting ourselves at the mercy of the crowd...thumbs up or thumbs down, you decide.
we've submitted a panel idea on open design & wearable technology for next years sxsw interactive festival:
wearable tech:pret-a-porter to pret-a-printer?
the proposed panel will build upon some of the ideas presented at Futur-en-Seine (see earlier post) & present some of the work we'll be doing during the rest of this year to initiate open design of wearable technology across digital platforms. keep tuned for more details.
if you are genuinely interested to see this panel in Austin, Texas (March 9-13) then vote accordingly via the title link above; alternatively if you don't think it's worth a transatlantic flight's carbon footprint...
as part of the panelpicker process that the sxsw producers employ to ensure the sxsw community has a say in the festival programming, anyone with a few minutes to spare and an internet connection can vote for the panels they would like to see at sxsw. the public vote accounts for 30% of the decision making process with the rest in the hands of an advisory panel and the sxsw staff. however you might need more than a few minutes to read all 3232 interactive proposals....
you have until 2nd September to pick & click.
wearable tech:pret-a-porter to pret-a-printer?
'Can Open Design provoke an emergence of socially adaptive wearable technology; created by ‘personal design nodes’ linked to a network of co-creation knowledge & digital co-creation tools? When individual choice (genuine or illusionary) is a fundamental impetus in connected societies, the potential to create highly personalized services, experiences & channels of expression via a wearable seems seductive. Wearable tech promises the intimacy & social familiarity of clothing fused with the information density & transmission capacity of mobile technology; yet the transition from fantasy to reality has lagged behind the underlying tech & so far struggled to generate widely desirable & meaningful consumer formats. Despite ‘the individual’ being the core component of a wearable system, technology-push has driven commercial product development; leaving users somewhat peripheral to the design process. Can conspicuous creation, as opposed conspicuous consumption, make wearable tech fashionable?'
Questions that the panel will be addressing:
Questions that the panel will be addressing:
1. How can unzipping the technology, design & fabrication of wearable tech catalyze new interactive relationships between users, designers & wearable tech products?
2. What can technologists & fashion designers learn from each other about emotional, aesthetic & sensorial design, and building connected communities around shared affinities?
3. Can switching to visible user involvement in the design & development process deliver wearable technologies they can crave & covet, but still appropriate & customize?
4. What radical wearable tech products & experiences might Open Design approaches deliver, when combined with social media & digital fabrication technologies?
5. What creative challenges will designers & brands have to overcome to embrace Open Design for wearable tech?
if you are genuinely interested to see this panel in Austin, Texas (March 9-13) then vote accordingly via the title link above; alternatively if you don't think it's worth a transatlantic flight's carbon footprint...
as part of the panelpicker process that the sxsw producers employ to ensure the sxsw community has a say in the festival programming, anyone with a few minutes to spare and an internet connection can vote for the panels they would like to see at sxsw. the public vote accounts for 30% of the decision making process with the rest in the hands of an advisory panel and the sxsw staff. however you might need more than a few minutes to read all 3232 interactive proposals....
you have until 2nd September to pick & click.
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